APPLY TODAY: ISGAP Research Fellowship Training Programme in Contemporary Critical Antisemitism Studies, at the Woolf Institute, Cambridge, UK

Two Postdoctorate Research Fellowship posts in Critical Antisemitism Studies, Discrimination and Human Rights; £27,526 – £35,553 p.a. The fellowships are for early career scholars, (exceptional advanced doctorate students will be considered), with expertise in the interdisciplinary study of contemporary antisemitism, discrimination and human rights. Submit a research proposal, a curriculum vitae, and three reference letters to Ira Guberman at [email protected]. The deadline for applications is 20 September 2021. Fellowships […]
Fall 2021 ISGAP Digital Research Center Courses

How Antisemites Appropriate Progressive Social Movements Featuring Dr. Corinne E. Blackmer, Professor of English and Judaic Studies, Southern Connecticut State University, United States Although antisemites have made effective use of intersectionality theory to appropriate progressive social movements, this course will explore, in addition to intersectionality, other significant rhetorical weapons they employ—including sloganeering, intimidation, name-calling, simplifications, assemblages […]
ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute 2021 Highlights

ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute for Curriculum Development in Critical Antisemitism Studies Day One Highlights Date: Sunday, August 1, 2021 Natan Sharansky, Chair, ISGAP; 2020 Genesis Prize Laureate; Former Chairman of the Jewish Agency, Jerusalem Israel Joan O’Callaghan, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada “Getting the Message Out: The Basic Principles of […]
Haras Rafiq, ISGAP Interim Managing Director: Why, as a Muslim, I care about antisemitism

Why should I, as a Muslim, care about mapping, decoding and combating antisemitism? This is a question that has been asked of me on many occasions, in conversations and various contexts. Of course, the usual tropes have been dished out including, “Don’t you care about Palestinians?”, “Why are you selling yourself to the most powerful […]
New ISGAP Publication – Poisoning the Wells: Antisemitism in Contemporary America

In twenty-first century America, antisemitism is on the rise, especially on the extreme left, the radical right, and within political Islamism. Expressions of this oldest hatred are also increasingly prevalent in popular culture, where they are spread–wittingly or unwittingly–by politicians, entertainers and celebrities, the media, social justice activists, and religious leaders, as well as in […]
ISGAP Occasional Paper Series

The Occasional Paper Series is intended to complement and highlight discussion and debate on a wide variety of issues as it pertains to the analysis of antisemitism, and to further the study of this subject matter. Markos Zografos, ISGAP Occasional Paper Series, Number 4, June 2021. Genocidal Antisemitism: A Core Ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood […]
Upcoming Book – Poisoning the Wells: Antisemitism in Contemporary America

The United States was once the Golden Land where Jews could escape centuries of persecution. However, recent events suggest not only that this dream has not been realized but that general socioeconomic, political, and cultural trends are moving in the opposite direction. ISGAP’s forthcoming publication, Poisoning the Wells: Antisemitism in Contemporary America, provides a detailed analysis of contemporary antisemitism, […]
Read Dr. Charles Asher Small, ISGAP Executive Director, discusses the rise of antisemitism in the United Kingdom

Dr. Charles Asher Small, Founder, and Executive Director, ISGAP; Visiting Academic, St. Antony’s College, Oxford, United Kingdom, sat down with The National News to discuss the rise of antisemitism in the West, and its relation to the recent news of the UK Director of the Islamist campaign group, Mend, comparing Israel to Adolf Hitler in […]
ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute, Pembroke College, Oxford – In-Person Programme Accepting Applications

The ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute for Curriculum Development in Critical Antisemitism Studies has several Scholars-in-Residence spaces available for this intensive one-week curriculum development program in interdisciplinary critical contemporary antisemitism studies. The program is dedicated to the development of antisemitism studies as a recognized academic discipline. The program is intended primarily for professors with full-time college or university positions, though […]
7th Global Forum for Combating Antisemitism Videos

The Global Forum for Combating Antisemitism (GFCA) is the premier biennial gathering for assessing the state of Antisemitism globally and formulating effective forms of societal and governmental response. The GFCA is an active coalition of public figures, political leaders, heads of civil society, clergy, journalists, diplomats, educators, and concerned citizens dedicated to the advance of […]