RSVP: ISGAP-Woolf Institute Contemporary Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective International Seminar Series

As part of ISGAP’s landmark Fellowship Training Programme on Critical Antisemitism Studies, Discrimination and Human Rights at the Woolf Institute, we are pleased to announce the launch of the ISGAP-Woolf Institute Contemporary Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective International Seminar Series. The series will allow ISGAP Visiting Scholars to deliver their latest research to the broader Cambridge community. The programme will […]
Statement on Recent Upsurge of Global Antisemitism

An Important Message from ISGAP Like you, all of us at the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy are watching in horror at the global impact of the Israel-Hamas conflict, and the calls to attack Jewish communities and individuals throughout the world. While ISGAP welcomes the ceasefire, we remain alert as the […]
Read ISGAP’s Chair and Human Rights Activist, Natan Sharansky, discuss COVID-19, Antisemitism and more in Israel Hayom

Natan Sharansky, Chair of ISGAP, former political prisoner, and human rights activist, sat down with Israel Hayom to discuss the number of ways in which the coronavirus pandemic has affected the Jewish community, the political climate in Israel, and much more. To read the full story, click here.
ISGAP Digital Research Center Course with Professor David Patterson

Taught by Professor David Patterson, the Hillel A. Feinberg Distinguished Chair at the Ackerman Center for Holocaust Studies, University of Texas at Dallas, this four-part course will examine the millennial phenomenon of what has been deemed “the longest hatred”: Antisemitism. Exploring the history, causes, and essence of Jew-hatred, the course delves into its philosophical, theological, […]
ISGAP Digital Research Center Course with Dr. Charles Asher Small

This four-part course offers a critical analysis of issues central to the study and emergence of contemporary antisemitism, as it relates to processes of globalization, the crisis of modernity, and the rise of reactionary anti-systemic movements, including political Islam, the extreme left, and extreme right-wing nationalism. This area of inquiry is central to challenges confronting […]