Nicolas Bechter, Heiko Beyer, Robin Stoller – “Conceptual Approaches to Antisemitism”

YIISA/IASA “Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity” Conference Panel: “Conceptual Approaches to Antisemitism” Speakers: Nicolas Bechter, University of Vienna: “Anticapitalism and Antisemitism in the Current Economic Crisis” Heiko Beyer, University of Goettingen: “But There Are No Longer Any Antisemites: An Experimental Study on the Communication Latency of Antisemitic Attitudes” Robin Stoller, International Institute for Education […]
Anne Herzberg, Ed Morgan, Elisabeth Kuebler – “Lawfare, Human Rights Organizations and the Demonization of Israel”

YIISA/IASA Conference “Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity” Title: “Lawfare, Human Rights Organizations and the Demonization of Israel” Speakers: Anne Herzberg, NGO Monitor: “NGOs and the New Antisemitism” Professor Ed Morgan, University of Toronto: “The Metastasizing of Anti-Israel Lawfare” Elisabeth Kuebler, University of Vienna: “Durban II: Antisemitism in Cosmopolitan Global Democracy” Date: Tuesday, August 24, […]