“Soviet Antizionism” with Professor Ellen Cannon and Izabella Tabarovksy

Understanding and Fighting the Current Explosion of Antisemitism Seminar Series 22 Nov. 2023: “Soviet Antizionism” Professor Ellen Cannon, ISGAP Senior Research Fellow; Professor of Political Science and Jewish Studies, Northeastern Illinois University, Chicago, U.S. Izabella Tabarovksy, ISGAP Research Fellow; Senior Advisor, Kennan Institute of the Wilson Center, Washington DC, US Date: Wednesday, 22 November 2023
Fighting the Soviet Forces from Within: Democracy is not always a Choice, but Freedom is
Apr. 12, “Fighting the Soviet Forces from Within: Democracy is not always a Choice, but Freedom is” Natan Sharansky, Chair, ISGAP Cosponsor: Palm Beach Synagogue Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2022 Time: 1:00 PM EST Click here to register.
Dr. Ellen Cannon, American Higher Education Pedagogy: The Role and Absorption of Soviet Propaganda and in the Normalization of Antisemitism and Antizionism

Dr. Ellen Cannon, American Higher Education Pedagogy: The Role and Absorption of Soviet Propaganda and in the Normalization of Antisemitism and Antizionism Convener: Professor David Patterson Historical Tropes in Contemporary Antisemitism