Gregory Gordon & Dan Michman — “The Enemy Within: A Neo-Nazi Takeover in the American Heartland?” | “Misunderstandings of the Phenomenon ‘Antisemitism’ in Some Recent Influential Studies of the Holocaust”

Titles: “The Enemy Within: A Neo-Nazi Takeover in the American Heartland?” “Misunderstandings of the Phenomenon ‘Antisemitism’ in Some Recent Influential Studies of the Holocaust” Speakers: Gregory Gordon, Associate Professor of Law at the University of North Dakota and Director of the UND Center for Human Rights and Genocide Studies. Dan Michman, Bar-Ilan University; International Institute […]
Haras Rafiq – “Pathways to Extremism and Radicalisation”

Title: “Pathways to Extremism and Radicalisation” Speaker: Haras Rafiq, Founding Director of CENTRI (Counter Extremism Consultancy, Training, Research and Interventions) Introductory Remarks by Convener Dr. Richard Stone, Professor of Law, Columbia University Law School Date: November 6, 2013 Location: Jerome Greene Hall 101, Columbia University Law School, as part of the ISGAP Seminar Series, “Antisemitism […]