Antisemitism and Societal Fragmentation: How can we Talk About Israel, Jews and Race?

1 June, “Antisemitism and Societal Fragmentation: How can we Talk About Israel, Jews and Race?” Open Discussion with: Dr. Joel Finklestein, Director, Network Contagion Research Institute; Visiting Scholar, Madison Program for Ideas and Institutions, Princeton University Dr. Pamela Paresky, Senior Scholar, Network Contagion Research Institute; Visiting Senior Research Associate, Stevanovich Institute on the Formation of Knowledge […]
Genocidal Antisemitism: A Core Ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood

30 Mar., “Genocidal Antisemitism: A Core Ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood” Markos Zografos, University of Haifa, Israel ISGAP Research Fellow Seminar Series Date: Tuesday, March 30, 2021
Countering Antisemitism in a Muslim Culture: Reflections on North West Pakistan and Afghanistan
25 Mar., “Countering Antisemitism in a Muslim Culture: Reflections on North West Pakistan and Afghanistan” Fawad Jawaid, Lecturer in Pakistan Studies, Kohat University of Science and Technology, Pakistan Convener: Dr. Navras J. Aafreedi, Research Fellow, ISGAP Date: Thursday, March 25, 2021 Time: 9:00 AM Eastern Time Click here to register for ISGAP’s groundbreaking seminar series on antisemitism in […]
Is Antisemitism Becoming the Default Position Amongst Muslims?
Jun. 24, “Is Antisemitism Becoming the Default Position Amongst Muslims?” Haras Rafiq, Counter Extremism Expert and Practitioner; Former CEO, Quilliam International; Peer Mentor, IDeA Chair Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP; Research Scholar, St. Antony’s College, Oxford Zoom Webinar Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2020 Time: 8:00 AM Los Angeles Time, 11:00 […]
Haras Rafiq, Oxford 2019 – “Antisemitism – The Fuel of the Triple Threat”

Haras Rafiq, CEO, Quilliam (Foundation), London, UK “Antisemitism – The Fuel of the Triple Threat” ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute 2019 St. John’s College Oxford University July 11, 2019
Mordecai Kedar, “Radical Islam and its Effect on Antisemitism”

FEB. 1, 2016 “RADICAL ISLAM AND ITS EFFECTS ON ANTISEMITISM” Dr. Mordechai Kedar, Senior Lecturer, Department of Arabic, Center for the Study of the Middle East, Bar-Ilan University Location: ISGAP Center, 3rd Floor Time: 7:00 PM
Dr. Glen Feder, “The Battle Against Liberal Democracy and the Jewish Question: From Marx to Qutb”

Jihadism spreading in West Africa, professor warns

MONTREAL — The tentacles of jihadist Islamist extremism are spreading across the African sub-Saharan continent and pose as great a risk there as anywhere else in the world, an African scholar said. Speaking to a Canadian Institute for Jewish Research gathering recently, Shalem Coulibaly, a philosophy professor at the Université de Ouagadougou in the West African […]
Phyllis Chesler – “The New Anti-Semitism: Reflections After A Decade on the Front Lines”

Title: The New Anti-Semitism: Reflections After A Decade on the Front Lines Speaker: Dr. Phyllis Chesler Date: February 28, 2013 Location: Fordham University, as part of the “Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective” Seminar Series Phyllis Chesler is a best selling and influential author, a legendary feminist leader, and a psychotherapist and expert courtroom witness. She has […]
Meir Litvak – “Radical Islam and the Arab Spring”

Speaker: Meir Litvak, Associate Professor at the Department of Middle Eastern History, Director of the Alliance Center for Iranian Studies, and Senior Research Fellow at the Dayan Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Tel Aviv University Discussion: “Radical Islam and the Arab Spring” Date: February 8, 2013 Location: Stanford University, Hoover Institute