“Wrestling with God and Man: The Early Works of Elie Wiesel” with Professor Michael Berenbaum

06 Nov. 2023: “Wrestling with God and Man: The Early Works of Eli Wiesel” Professor Michael Berenbaum, Director, Sigi Ziering Institute and Professor of Jewish Studies, American Jewish University, Los Angeles, US Date: Monday, 6 November 2023 Time: 11 AM Eastern Time / 4 PM Greenwich Mean Time
“The Holocaust in Diaries and Memoirs of Child Holocaust Survivors” with Dr. Joanna Sliwa

20 Nov. 2023: “The Holocaust in Diaries and Memoirs of Child Holocaust Survivors” Dr. Joanna Sliwa, Historian, the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany; Author, “Jewish Children in Krakow: A Microhistory of the Holocaust” Date: Monday, 20 November 2023
ABC’s of Antisemitism: Literary Theory, Difference and Jewishness
13 Jun., “ABC’s of Antisemitism: Literary Theory, Difference and Jewishness” Chloe Pinto, ISGAP-Woolf Institute Visiting Scholar, Cambridge, England Date: Monday, June 13, 2022 Click here to register on Zoom.
Stereotypes, Sublimations and Substitutions: Jews and Antisemitism in South Asian Literature in English

20 May, “Stereotypes, Sublimations and Substitutions: Jews and Antisemitism in South Asian Literature in English” Professor Anna Guttman, Department of English, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, ON, Canada and Chair, Association for Commonwealth Language and Literature Studies Convener: Dr. Navras J. Aafreedi, Presidency University, Kolkata, India; Research Fellow, ISGAP Antisemitism in South Asia in Comparative Perspective […]
The Only Urdu Poem on the Holocaust and its Author
In September-October 2009, a Holocaust films retrospective was held in Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh, India. The event was significant because of several reasons: it was the first-ever Holocaust films retrospective in South Asia. It ran for fourteen days, during which forty-six films were screened, seen by four thousand people at the two biggest universities in […]
Stereotypes, Sublimations and Substitutions: Jews and Antisemitism in South Asian Literature in English
20 May, “Stereotypes, Sublimations and Substitutions: Jews and Antisemitism in South Asian Literature in English” Professor Anna Guttman, Department of English, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, ON, Canada; Chair, Association for Commonwealth Language and Literature Studies Convener: Dr. Navras J. Aafreedi, Research Fellow, ISGAP Date: Thursday, May 20, 2021 Time: 9:00 AM Eastern Time Click here to register for ISGAP’s […]
Dorian F. Bell – “A ‘Paradise of Parasites’: Hannah Arendt, Antisemitism, and the Legacies of Empire”

Title: “A ‘Paradise of Parasites’: Hannah Arendt, Antisemitism, and the Legacies of Empire” Speaker: Professor Dorian F. Bell, Assistant Professor, Literature Department, University of California, Santa Cruz Date: Thursday, April 7, 2011 Location: The Yale Initiative for the Interdisciplinary Study of Antisemitism (YIISA), Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut