ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute 2018 – Day Four Highlights

Day four highlights from the ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute. The day was headlined by Professor Uzi Rabi, Director, Dayan Center, Tel Aviv University, lecturing on “The Changing Nature of Middle East Geopolitics.”
ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute 2018 – Day Three Highlights

Day three highlights from the ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute. The day opened with Professor Benny Morris, Ben Gurion University, providing “A New Look at the 1948 War,” Professor Dr. Bassam Tibi, University of Goettingen, spoke on “Islamist Antisemitism as the ‘New Antisemitism.’” Jonathan Arkush, President of the Board of British Jews, 2015-18, led a special evening […]
ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute 2018 – Day Two Highlights

Please click above to view a brief clip of highlights from the opening full day session of the ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute. The day featured Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP, speaking on “The Importance of Creating Critical Contemporary Antisemitism Studies,” Dr. Carlton Long, Lawrence Long and Co., presented on “Courage and the Curriculum: Building […]
ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute 2018 – Day One Highlights

The ISGAP-Oxford Summer program was launched Sunday, July 29th, with a Welcome by Director Charles Asher Small; and Rabbi Akiva Zweig gave a keynote opening lecture entitled: “A Biblical Perspective on Antisemitism and the Evolution of Humanity.” The participants then watched the French film 24 Days, directed by Alexandre Arcady. The film examines the brutal antisemitic […]
Iran’s Strategic Ambitions: The Challenge to Israel, the Region and the West

Maj.-Gen. (Ret.) Avi Mizrachi, Commander of the Israel Defense Force’s Central Command, 2009-2012 Professor David Menashri, Founding Director, Alliance Center for Iranian Studies, Tel Aviv University, Expert on Iran and the Nuclear Agreement Convener: Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP The ISGAP Center, 165 E. 56th St., New York, NY 10022 Date: Friday, […]
Genocidal Antisemitism and the Crisis of Modernity

Genocidal Antisemitism and the Crisis of Modernity Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP Honorary Chair of 2018 Annual Symposium on the Holocaust and Genocide Co-Sponsored by ISGAP, Vanier College and the Holocaust and Genocide Prevention Foundation Vanier College Auditorium 865 Sainte Croix Ave., Saint-Laurent, Quebec, Canada 10:30 AM, Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Economic Trade vs Democratic Principles: The Necessity of the EU to Confront Iranian Expansionism and Antisemitism

Jan. 29, “Economic Trade vs Democratic Principles: The Necessity of the EU to Confront Iranian Expansionism and Antisemitism” Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP OSCE International Conference on the Responsibility of States, Institutions and Individuals in the Fight Against Antisemitism Rome, Italy Date: January 29, 2018
Business as Usual; The P5 Plus One Agreement as the Precursor to the Rise of Totalitarian Movements, the Legitimization of Antisemitism as an Anti-Democratic International Force

“Business as Usual; The P5 Plus One Agreement as the Precursor to the Rise of Totalitarian Movements, the Legitimization of Antisemitism as an Anti-Democratic International Force” Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP Anti-Zionism = Antisemitism, a Symposium on Law and Policy The American Zionist Movement Symposium in cooperation with The World Zionist Organization Panelists […]
Dr. Charles Asher Small, World Jewish Congress Webinar on Global Antisemitism

Oct. 16, “World Jewish Congress Webinar on Global Antisemitism” Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP World Jewish Congress, 501 Madison Ave., 9th floor, New York, NY 10022 Monday, October 16, 2017 Dr. Small participated in a conversation with World Jewish Congress, Jewish Diplomatic Corps member, Efraim Chalamish. They discussed how the BDS movement is […]
Professor Uzi Rabi, Part IV – “Israel and the Changing Middle East – Reflection of a Neo-Antisemitism?”

“Israel and the Changing Middle East – Reflection of a Neo-Antisemitism?” – Part IV Professor Uzi Rabi, Director, Moshe Dayan Center, Tel Aviv University ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute 2017 St. John’s College, Oxford University, United Kingdom Wednesday, July 26, 2017