Deborah Lipstadt, Walter Reich, & Dina Porat – “Contemporary Antisemitism and the Deligitimization of Israel”

YIISA/IASA “Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity” Conference Panel: “Contemporary Antisemitism and the Deligitimization of Israel” Speakers: Chair: Daniel Goldhagen, Harvard University Professor Deborah Lipstadt, Emory University: “The Iranian President, the Canadian Professor, the Literary Journal and the Holocaust Denial Conference that Never Was” Professor Walter Reich, George Washington University: “The Rabbi and the President: […]
Catherine Chatterley, Alan Rosenbaum & David Seymour – “Social Theory and Contemporary Antisemitism”

YIISA/IASA “Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity” Conference Panel: “Social Theory and Contemporary Antisemitism” Speakers: Dr. Catherine Chatterley, University of Manitoba: -“The Antisemitic Imagination” Professor Alan Rosenbaum, Cleveland State University – “Philosophical Reflections on Antisemitism Today” Dr. David Seymour, Lancaster University – “Antisemitism as a State of Exception” Date: August 24, 2010 Location: Yale University […]
YIISA/IASA Conference Gala Dinner

YIISA/IASA “Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity” Conference Gala Dinner: Keynote Addresses Speakers: David Messer, Chairman, YIISA Dr. Charles Small, Executive Director, YIISA: “Global Antisemitism and the Crisis of Modernity” Professor Irwin Cotler, McGill University: “Genocidal Antisemitism: Ahmadinejad’s Regime as a Case Study” Rabbi James Ponet, Director, Joseph Slifka Center for Jewish Life at Yale […]
Itamar Marcus – “The Central Role of Palestinian Antisemitism in Creating the Palestinian Identity”

YIISA/IASA “Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity” Conference Title: “The Central Role of Palestinian Antisemitism in Creating the Palestinian Identity” Keynote Speaker: Itamar Marcus, Director, Palestinian Media Watch Date: August 23. 2010 Location: Yale University YIISA/ISGAP Past Conference
Daniel Tsadik, Jacob Lassner, Meir Litvak – “Islamism and the Construction of Jewish Identity”

YIISA/IASA “Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity” Conference Panel: “Islamism and the Construction of Jewish Identity” Speakers: CHAIR: Dr. Risa Sodi, Director, Language Program, Italian Language and Literature, Yale University Professor Daniel Tsadik, Yeshiva University – “Iran and Antisemitism: Some Historical Notes” Professor Jacob Lassner, Northwestern University – “The Roots of Modern Muslim Antisemitism: Jews […]
Alexander Tsesis, Stephen Feldman, Kenneth Lasson & Kenneth Marcus – “Law, Modernity and Antisemitism”

YIISA/IASA “Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity” Conference Panel: “Law, Modernity and Antisemitism” Speakers: Professor Alexander Tsesis, Loyolya University, School of Law – “Internet, New Media, Traditional Stereotypes, Overt Bigotry and the International Regulation of Hate Speech” Professor Stephen Feldman, University of Wyoming – “Great Expectations: Antisemitism and the Politics of Free-Speech Jurisprudence” Professor Kenneth […]
Abraham Wagner, Abraham Cooper & Mark Dubowitz – “The Internet and the Proliferation of Antisemitism”

YIISA/IASA Inaugural “Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity” Conference Panel: “The Internet and the Proliferation of Antisemitism” Speakers: Professor Abraham Wagner, Columbia University – “Antisemitism in the Internet Era” Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Simon Wiesenthal Center – “Digital Antisemitism” Mark Dubowitz, Foundation for Defense of Democracies – “Terrorist Media as an Operational Weapon Used by Hezbollah, […]
Paul Lawrence Rose, Neil Kressel, David Sokol – “The Islamization of Antisemitism”

YIISA/IASA “Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity” Conference Panel: “The Islamization of Antisemitism” Speakers: Professor Paul Lawrence Rose, Pennsylvania State University: “Muhammad and the Jews of Medina and Khaybar in Modern Islamic Antisemitic Mentalities” Dr. Neil Kressel, William Paterson University: “The Demonization of Jews as ‘Pigs and Apes’: Theological Roots, History, Extent and Contemporary Implications” […]
Hilda Nissimi, Lara Trubowitz, Mark Weitzman – “Christianity and Antisemitism”

YIISA/IASA “Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity” Conference Panel: “Christianity and Antisemitism” Speakers: Dr. Hilda Nissimi, Bar-Ilan University – “Religion, Liberalism, and Empire in Britain: Antisemitism as Lynchpin” Professor Lara Trubowitz, University of Iowa – “Wyndham Lewis, Christian Theology and the Artfulness of Antisemitism, or Redefining Tolerance in an Era of Refugees” Mark Weitzman, Simon […]
Ruth Wisse – “How Do We Put an End to Antisemitism: No, Really. How Do We?”

YIISA/IASA “Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity Conference” Title: “How Do We Put an End to Antisemitism: No, Really. How Do We?” Speaker: Professor Ruth Wisse, Harvard University Date: Monday, August 23, 2010 Location: Yale University YIISA/ISGAP Past Conference