Dr. Mala Tabory, “Antisemitism in the International Sphere”

Dr. Mala Tabory – Director, ISGAP Israel and editor, “Justice”, journal of International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists “Antisemitism in the International Sphere” ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute 2017 St. John’s College, Oxford, United Kingdom Friday, July 28, 2017
Rotten Christmas Pudding
French version follows the English. UNSC Resolution 2334 stinks to high heaven but don’t count on me to belabor the obvious: the stab-in-the- back American abstention is confirmation of Obama’s real intentions, and the dastardly resolution won’t help the peace process. Pouah! Old news worn to the bone. 2334 is tailored more like an international […]
Shimon Samuels – “From Durban to Durban: Identity Theft and Generic Hatred”

Lecture: From Durban to Durban: Identity Theft and Generic Hatred Speaker: Dr. Shimon Samuels, Director for International Relations, Paris, Simon Wiesenthal Center Date: February 12, 2009 YISSA/ISGAP Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective Seminar Series