Israel Film Premiere, “Wish You Weren’t Here”
Nov. 9, Israel Film Premiere, “Wish You Weren’t Here” Panel and discussion featuring Ian Halperin, Director and Executive Producer Dr. Charles Asher Small, Producer and Executive Director, ISGAP Dan Diker, Fellow, Project Director, Program to Counter BDS and Political Warfare, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs Adam Shay, Senior Project Coordinator, Cultural Boycott Expert, Jerusalem Center […]
Juggling the Jigsaw Produced by Filmmaker Ian Halperin

The World Turned Upside Down No.1 NY Times bestselling author and award winning filmmaker Ian Halperin, wants the world to know that the current wave of antisemitism is gaining power every day and that unless something is done about it asap more and more Jews will leave Europe because they fear for their safety. TO […]