Memory, The Jewish Intellectual, and Cartesian Cogito in Amery’s “At the Mind’s Limits”
Jean Amery, in the first chapter of At the Mind’s Limits, tries to demonstrate that Auschwitz rids the intellect of his western ideals and reduces the intellect to a playful logical framework. And as a playful logical framework, Amery’s account of the intellect resembles the Cartesian Cogito. In order to argue this thesis, I will […]
Dr. Vivaldi Jean-Marie, “Memory, the Jewish Intellectual and Cartesian Cogito in Jean Amery’s At the Mind’s Limits”

Dr. Vivaldi Jean-Marie Associate Professor of Philosophy, CUNY Adjunct Associate of Philosophy and African-American Studies, Columbia University Harvard Faculty Club, Room 4 Monday, November 9th, 2015 7:00 P.M. For Jean Amery, Auschwitz rids the intellect of its Western ideals, and reduces it to a playful logical framework, and is therefore representative of the Cartesian […]
Jacques Tarnero, “From Compassion for the Jews to Condemnation of Israel”

Mar. 19 “From Compassion for the Jews to Condemnation of Israel” Jacques Tarnero Researcher, Cité des sciences et de l’industrie (Paris) and French documentary maker Discussant: Rita Hermon-Belot, EHESS, CEIFR Location: EPHE, Room 117 Time: 6:00-8:00 PM
Professor Chuck Freilich, “Never Again: Israel, the US and the Iranian Nuclear Program”

Seminar Series: Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective “Never Again: Israel, the US and the Iranian Nuclear Program” Professor Chuck Freilich Senior Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School Thursday, April 23, 2015, 5:30PM ISGAP Center, 3rd Floor
Professor Alan Steinweis, “The German People and the Holocaust: New Sources, New Insights”

Seminar Series: Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective “The German People and the Holocaust: New Sources, New Insights” Professor Alan Steinweis Professor of History and Distinguished Professor of Holocaust Studies, University of Vermont Monday, March 23, 2015, 6PM Leacock Building, Room 738 McGill University
Professor Martin Kramer, “Gaza=Auschwitz: Antisemitism by Analogy?”

Nov. 18 “Gaza=Auschwitz: Antisemitism by Analogy?” Professor Martin Kramer, President Shalem College, Jerusalem Location: Harvard Faculty Club, Room 4 Time: 7:00 P.M.
On cockroaches, apes and genocide

April 19, 2014- Atrocities committed by the Nazis against the Jewish People during the Holocaust, aided and abetted by the international community’s indifference, led to the greatest systematic murder of a people, and the unabashed antisemitism led to the ultimate destruction of much of Europe itself. The moral and political failure of the international community […]
Benjamin Weinthal – “How Bad is Modern European Antisemitism? Making Sense of Contemporary European Antisemitism in post-Holocaust Europe.”

Title: “How Bad is Modern European Antisemitism? Making Sense of Contemporary European Antisemitism in post-Holocaust Europe.” Speaker: Benjamin Weinthal, Jerusalem Post Correspondent for European affairs; Berlin-based Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies Date: Wednesday, March 26, 2014 Location: ISGAP Center, 165 East 56th St, New York, NY 10022
Rwandan Genocide Scholars Urge Jews to Recognize Iran Threat as Similar to Nazi Regime (INTERVIEW)

April 1, 2014- Rwandan genocide scholars are urging Jews to recognize the threat posed by the Iranian regime to Israel as being as dangerous as the Nazis were to Jews in the Holocaust, based on how the Tutsis were vilified then massacred in Rwanda, according to scholar Dr. Charles Asher Small. The revelation comes on […]
Gregory Gordon – “The Forgotten Nuremberg Hate Speech Case: Otto Dietrich and the Future of Persecution Law”

Title: “The Forgotten Nuremberg Hate Speech Case: Otto Dietrich and the Future of Persecution Law” Speaker: Gregory Gordon, Associate Professor of Law at the University of North Dakota and Director of the UND Center for Human Rights and Genocide Studies Date: April 10, 2013 Location: Harvard Law School, as part of the “Antisemitism in Comparative […]