Hate Speech, Antisemitism and its Link with the Real World in the Age of Digital Social Networks

09 March, “Hate Speech, Antisemitism and its Link with the Real World in the Age of Digital Social Networks” Dr. Adan Garcia, Memory and Tolerance Museum Mexico City Convener: Dr. Pedro Gonzalez Corona, Research Fellow, ISGAP Antisemitism in Latin America in Comparative Perspective Seminar Series Date: Tuesday, March 09, 2021 Spanish Webinar
Taking Hate Seriously: The Scope and the Challenge of Hate Speech on the Internet

02 Mar., “Taking Hate Seriously: The Scope and the Challenge of Hate Speech on the Internet” Professor Raphael Cohen-Almagor, University of Hull, United Kingdom Date: Tuesday, March 2, 2021 ISGAP’s 2020-2021 Research Fellow International Seminar Series.
Kenneth Stern – “The New Interdisciplinary Field of Hate Studies”

Title: “The New Interdisciplinary Field of Hate Studies and Its Relevance to Understanding and Combating Antisemitism” Speaker: Kenneth Stern, Director, Antisemitism and Extremism, American Jewish Committee (AJC) Date: Tuesday, April 13, 2010 YIISA/ISGAP Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective Seminar Series
Shimon Samuels – “From Durban to Durban: Identity Theft and Generic Hatred”

Lecture: From Durban to Durban: Identity Theft and Generic Hatred Speaker: Dr. Shimon Samuels, Director for International Relations, Paris, Simon Wiesenthal Center Date: February 12, 2009 YISSA/ISGAP Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective Seminar Series