Fighting the Soviet Forces from Within: Democracy is not always a Choice, but Freedom is
Apr. 12, “Fighting the Soviet Forces from Within: Democracy is not always a Choice, but Freedom is” Natan Sharansky, Chair, ISGAP Cosponsor: Palm Beach Synagogue Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2022 Time: 1:00 PM EST Click here to register.
Read ISGAP’s Chair and Human Rights Activist, Natan Sharansky op-ed in The Washington Post: The Sakharov Centenary arrives with an Urgently Needed Message About Freedom

19 May 2021 – The Washington Post Natan Sharansky, Chair of ISGAP, former political prisoner, and human rights activist, discusses Andrei Sakharov’s seminal essay challenging totalitarianism. Sharansky reflects upon his own life and the challenges to freedom in modern democracies. To read the full story, click here.
Globalization and Antisemitism(s): Social Movements and the Crisis of Modernity – Online Course
Led by Dr. Charles Asher Small, this four-part course will offer a critical analysis of issues central to the study and emergence of contemporary antisemitism, as it relates to processes of globalization, the crisis of modernity, and the rise of reactionary anti-systemic movements, including political Islam, and the extreme left and extreme right wing nationalism. […]
Anne Herzberg, Ed Morgan, Elisabeth Kuebler – “Lawfare, Human Rights Organizations and the Demonization of Israel”

YIISA/IASA Conference “Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity” Title: “Lawfare, Human Rights Organizations and the Demonization of Israel” Speakers: Anne Herzberg, NGO Monitor: “NGOs and the New Antisemitism” Professor Ed Morgan, University of Toronto: “The Metastasizing of Anti-Israel Lawfare” Elisabeth Kuebler, University of Vienna: “Durban II: Antisemitism in Cosmopolitan Global Democracy” Date: Tuesday, August 24, […]