Magnus Brechtken, Javier Dominguez Arribas, David Lebovitch Dahl, Leslie Lebl – “Antisemitic Propaganda in Europe”

YIISA/IASA “Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity” Inaugural Conference Panel: “Antisemitic Propaganda in Europe” Speakers: Dr. Magnus Brechtken, University of Nottingham: “Full Zionism on Madagascar? The ‘Antisemitic International’ and the Idea of ‘Compulsory Segregation’ in the 1920s and 1930s” Professor Javier Dominguez Arribas, University of Paris XIII: “The Judeo-Masonic Enemy in Francoist Propaganda (Spain, 1936-1945)” […]
Suzette Blom, Ilka Schroeder, Catherine Power, Sharon Power – “Embracing the Nation”

YIISA/IASA “Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity” Conference Panel: “Embracing the Nation: Antisemitism and Modernity” Speakers: Suzette Blom, University of Guelph: “Jews, Divorce and French Revolution” Ilka Schroeder, Visiting Professor, Georgetown University; Former Member of European Parliament: “Modern Antisemitism and National Identity” Catherine Power, McGill University and Sharon Power, York University: “Embracing the Nation: Assimilationist […]
Defne Jones, Marianna Scherini, Antonia Schmid, Phyllis Lassner – “The Media and the Dissemination of Hatred”

YIISA/IASA “Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity” Conference Panel: “The Media and the Dissemination of Hatred” Speakers: Defne Jones, Indiana University: “Antisemitism Through Political Cartoons in Turkey” Dr. Marianna Scherini, University of Siena: “The Image of Israel and of the Israeli in British, French and Italian Daily Press During the Lebanon War 1982” Antonia Schmid, […]
Patrick Weil – “Dreyfus, Vichy, de Gaulle, Chirac: Reflections on the French-Jewish Malaise”

Lecture: Dreyfus, Vichy, de Gaulle, Chirac: Reflections on the French-Jewish Malaise Speaker: Professor Patrick Weil, Centre d’histoire sociale du siècle, Universite de Paris 2 Date: April 3, 2008 YIISA/ISGAP Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective Seminar Series