George Galloway in “racist” walk out
George Galloway walked out of a debate on Wednesday evening after learning that the student he was debating with was an Israeli. The Respect MP had just begun to debate Eylon Aslan-Levy, a third-year PPEist at Brasenose, on the motion ‘Israel should withdraw immediately from the West Bank’. But as Aslan-Levy was beginning his speech, […]
Alexander Tsesis – “Free Speech and Antisemitism: Comparative Approaches to Antisemitic Speech in the United States and Europe”

Lecture: Free Speech and Antisemitism: Comparative Approaches to Antisemitic Speech in the United States and Europe Speaker: Alexander Tsesis, Associate Professor of Law at Loyola University-Chicago Location: Fordham University Date: October 18, 2012
Dorian F. Bell – “A ‘Paradise of Parasites’: Hannah Arendt, Antisemitism, and the Legacies of Empire”

Title: “A ‘Paradise of Parasites’: Hannah Arendt, Antisemitism, and the Legacies of Empire” Speaker: Professor Dorian F. Bell, Assistant Professor, Literature Department, University of California, Santa Cruz Date: Thursday, April 7, 2011 Location: The Yale Initiative for the Interdisciplinary Study of Antisemitism (YIISA), Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
Gregory H. Stanton – “Iran’s Anti-Jewish Incitement to Genocide Against Israel: Is the West Asleep Again?”

Title: Iran’s Anti-Jewish Incitement to Genocide Against Israel: Is the West Asleep Again? Speaker: Professor Gregory H. Stanton, Research Professor, Genocide Studies and Prevention, Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution, George Mason University Date: October 7, 2010 Location: The Yale Initiative for the Interdisciplinary Study of Antisemitism (YIISA), Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
Magnus Brechtken, Javier Dominguez Arribas, David Lebovitch Dahl, Leslie Lebl – “Antisemitic Propaganda in Europe”

YIISA/IASA “Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity” Inaugural Conference Panel: “Antisemitic Propaganda in Europe” Speakers: Dr. Magnus Brechtken, University of Nottingham: “Full Zionism on Madagascar? The ‘Antisemitic International’ and the Idea of ‘Compulsory Segregation’ in the 1920s and 1930s” Professor Javier Dominguez Arribas, University of Paris XIII: “The Judeo-Masonic Enemy in Francoist Propaganda (Spain, 1936-1945)” […]
Gilbert Kahn, Barry Kosmin, Winston Pickett – “Models of Combating Antisemitism”

YIISA/IASA Inaugural “Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity” Conference Panel: “Models of Combating Antisemitism” Speakers: Professor Gilbert Kahn, Kean University: “The Community Security Trust: Why is it Protecting British Jewry?” Professor Barry Kosmin, Trinity College: “Fighting Antisemitism in the UK: Moving from Reaction to Pro-action” Dr. Winston Pickett, Former Director, European Institute for the Study […]
Sebastian Voigt, Ulrike Becker, Bjoern Milbradt & Karin Stoegner – “Understanding the Impact of German Antisemitism and Nazism”

YIISA/IASA Inaugural “Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity” Conference Panel: “Understanding the Impact of German Antisemitism and Nazism” Speakers: Sebastian Voigt, Simon-Dubnow-Institut fur Judische Geschichte und Kultur, Leipzig, Germany (Institute for Jewish Studies) – “Leftist Antisemitic Anti-Zionism: The German Leftist Party as an Example of a European Trend within the Leftist Movement?” Ulrike Becker, University […]
Ilana Novinsky & Adam Katz – “Variations of European Antisemitism”

YIISA/IASA Inaugural “Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity” Conference Panel: “Variations of European Antisemitism” Speakers: Ilana Novinsky, University of Sao Paulo – “Contributions of Phenomology and Psycholanalysis for the Understanding of Antisemitism” Professor Adam Katz, Quinnipiac University – “Antisemitism and the Victimary Era” Date: Wednesday, August 25, 2010 Location: Yale University YIISA/ISGAP Past Conference
Lina Gorenstein, Daniela Levy, Anita Novinsky – “400 Years of Antisemitism”

YIISA/IASA “Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity” Conference Panel: “400 Years of Antisemitism: From the Holy Office to the Nuremberg Laws” Speakers: Dr. Lina Gorenstein, University of Sao Paulo: “The Iberian Racial Antisemitism and its Modernity (16th-18th Centuries)” Daniela Levy, University of Sao Paulo: “Antisemitism Propaganda in Dutch Brazil (1630-1654)” Anita Novinsky, University of Sao […]
Suzette Blom, Ilka Schroeder, Catherine Power, Sharon Power – “Embracing the Nation”

YIISA/IASA “Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity” Conference Panel: “Embracing the Nation: Antisemitism and Modernity” Speakers: Suzette Blom, University of Guelph: “Jews, Divorce and French Revolution” Ilka Schroeder, Visiting Professor, Georgetown University; Former Member of European Parliament: “Modern Antisemitism and National Identity” Catherine Power, McGill University and Sharon Power, York University: “Embracing the Nation: Assimilationist […]