Swimming Against the Tide: Ordinary German People Who Stood Up and Saved Jewish and non-Jewish Lives Before and During the Holocaust

“Swimming Against the Tide: ordinary German people who stood up and saved Jewish and non-Jewish lives before and during the Holocaust” Professor Christoph Gassenschmidt, The American College of Greece, Greece; Research Fellow, ISGAP Date: Tuesday, April 20, 2021 ISGAP Research Fellow Seminar Series on Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective
The Origins of Modern Antisemitism, the Holocaust and the Reemergence of Antisemitism
28 Jan., “The Origins of Modern Antisemitism, the Holocaust and the Reemergence of Antisemitism” Dr. Christoph Gassenschmidt, Associate Professor, Department of History, Philosophy and the Ancient World, DEREE American College of Greece 7th Level Auditorium Date: Tuesday, January 28, 2020 Time: 2:10 PM