Irwin Mansdorf, “The Promotion of Nonviolence as Antisemitism: Psychological Warfare Against The Jewish State”
Seminar Series: Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective “The Promotion of Nonviolence as Antisemitism: Psychological Warfare Against The Jewish State” Dr. Irwin Mansdorf Fellow and Director, Israel-Arab Studies Program Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs Thursday, February 26, 2015, 5:30PM ISGAP Center, 3rd Floor
David Menashri “Iran, The United States and the Nuclear Challenge: A view from Israel”
Seminar Series: Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective “Iran, the United States and the Nuclear Challenge: A view from Israel” Professor David Menashri President, College of Law and Business, Ramat Gan Tuesday, February 24, 2015, 5:30PM ISGAP Center, 4th Floor
Jihadism spreading in West Africa, professor warns

MONTREAL — The tentacles of jihadist Islamist extremism are spreading across the African sub-Saharan continent and pose as great a risk there as anywhere else in the world, an African scholar said. Speaking to a Canadian Institute for Jewish Research gathering recently, Shalem Coulibaly, a philosophy professor at the Université de Ouagadougou in the West African […]