The Psychological Impact of the Threat of Contemporary Genocidal Antisemitism: From Denial and Paralysis to Understanding the Challenge – Part 3

The Dr. James Sacks Conference: The Psychological Impact of the Threat of Contemporary Genocidal Antisemitism: From Denial and Paralysis to Understanding the Challenge – Part 3

Min 0:01:
Title: “Victims of Success: How Envious Antisemitism Foments Genocidal Intent and Undermines Bystanders’ Moral Outrage”

Speaker: Peter Glick, Professor, Psychology, Lawrence University
(Continued from Part 2)

Min 3:36:
Title: “To Act or Not to Act, That is the Question: The Psychological Impact of Hatred in a Geopolitical Context”

Speaker: Ron Aviram, Instructor, Clinical Psychology, Columbia University

Min 30:00: Panel Discussion

Date: April 28, 2009

Location: Yale University