The 2024 ISGAP-Miami Winter Institute for Curriculum Development in Critical Contemporary Antisemitism Studies University of Miami;

9-19 December, 2024

Scholars-in-Residence: Intended for academics at all stages of their careers, with a particular emphasis on encouraging participation from professors holding full-time positions at colleges or universities including individuals working across faculties, historical periods, and subjects. Under the guidance of leading international academics, accepted Scholars-in-Residence will develop course syllabi in the interdisciplinary study of critical contemporary antisemitism to be taught by the Scholar-in-Residence at their current or future academic institutions.

To Apply: submit a CV, a letter of intent, two letters of recommendation, as well as a letter from the Chair, Dean, or Provost of the scholar’s home department, confirming that the scholar will be able to teach the course designed at the ISGAP-Miami Winter Institute, within one academic year, and on at least two subsequent occasions.

Provisions will be made for scholars working outside a tenure track environment.

Elie Wiesel-Martin Luther King Jr. Scholars: ISGAP also reserves a limited number of spots for undergraduate university students demonstrating academic credentials, proven leadership skills, and a commitment to social justice. Wiesel-King Scholars will design student-led initiatives aimed at addressing antisemitism and racism on their campuses. The 2024 ISGAP-Miami Winter Institute will offer an exciting and unprecedented opportunity to join a global community of thinkers committed to examining, interrogating, and ultimately challenging contemporary antisemitism. 

To Apply: submit a CV, two reference letters, and a concise project proposal.

Applicants are accepted on a rolling basis, please note that early applications are encouraged as space is limited. Accepted Scholars-in-Residence will be liable to pay tuition fees of $2,000 USD. Wiesel-King Jr. Scholars will be liable to pay tuition fees of $1,400 USD. Tuition will cover the cost of the program including accommodation and half-board (breakfast and lunch).

*Limited scholarships are available for exceptional candidates.


Applications, questions and concerns should be submitted via email to [email protected] under the subject heading “ISGAP-Miami 2024.″