ISGAP Flashpoint

In line with our commitment to academic freedom, ISGAP Flashpoint features articles designed to foster public debate about critical issues related to developments in global antisemitism, with a focus on the contemporary context.

Kindly note that the opinions expressed by the authors of ISGAP Flashpoint are their own and do not necessarily reflect or receive endorsement from ISGAP. ISGAP believes in providing a platform for diverse perspectives to encourage open dialogue on these important matters.

To submit a Flashpoint, paste it into the email body (no attachments). Include a headline, byline (author/s name), and a short bio (max. 250 words) at the end. Attach a high-quality headshot. Send submissions to [email protected].

Antisemitic and Anti-Israeli Narratives in Armenia and the Armenian Diaspora

The collapse of the USSR in December 1991 had manifold consequences for the peoples that inhabited it, including challenging the elites and societies of its 15 successor states with difficult questions of nation-building and geopolitical choice. The Russian Federation, after a series of “liberal” experiments in the 1990s, eventually returned to the neo-imperial model of […]

Would the Real Henry Agree with His Virtual Persona? How to Chat About Antisemitism Online…

Public debate is raging around the ethical impact of generative AI (Artificial Intelligence). Its viral implications are as great and potentially even greater than when the World Wide Web blazed onto the public stage in 1993. Concern about the potential for such technology to be used for antisemitic purposes is growing alarmingly. As such, I […]

Neo-Confederacy & Palestinian Ultranationalism: How Prejudice is Justified Through the Myth of “Lost Civilization”

“From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free” has the same meaning and connotation as “The South Will Rise Again.” Both slogans are meant to intimidate a specific ethnic minority, whitewash crimes against humanity, and perpetuate a sense of unfair grievance. As antisemitism rises around the world, and particularly in the West, many […]

Analyzing the Discourse Regarding Jews in Post-Soviet Territory Following the Russia-Ukraine War

The wars in Eastern Europe throughout the 20th century have had a considerable impact on the Jews living in the region. The First World War brought about the collapse of the Pale of Settlement in the territories of the Russian Empire, drastically changing the lives of Jews residing in that area. The waves of Jewish […]

Iraq’s Legitimacy, Say: Towards Reclaiming Israel Education

Israel, known to most non-Jews as the Holy Land, takes up about one-tenth of one percent of the world’ real estate, and has been the object of fascination and preoccupation long before Google Maps. In one of my introductory courses to Jerusalem and the Land of Israel, I show students a 16th century leaflet made […]

Anti-Semitism and the “Jewish Theme” in Contemporary East-European and Eurasian Military Policy

The Jewish theme is not the least among many aspects of the two recent large-scale military conflicts in the post-Soviet countries − the new stage of confrontation of Azerbaijan and Armenia in 2020 and 2022, and the war in Ukraine that started after the invasion of the Russian army. While in all cases when this […]

Weaponized Antisemitism of the Iranian Regime

Iran under the yoke of the Ayatollahs has been, for a long time, a pronounced enemy of Israel, and this enmity is based on a deep-rooted hatred of Jews as an ethnic group. Antisemitic tendencies were never hidden in speeches or remarks that Iranian leaders have made for decades. Beginning in the 1990s, the Iranian […]

Sameness as Peacemaking: Extremists Virtue-Signal Through Ethno-Convenience

Sameness as Peacemaking”: Extremists Virtue-Signal Through Ethno-Convenience Far-Right Isolationists and Neo-Marxist Progressives have sought to appease tyranny by “making peace” through ethno-conveniencing related ethnicities into a single national group. Kurds & Persians, Jews & Arabs, and Ukrainians & Russians are the most common cases of this virtue-signaling. “Arab Jews.” “Russians with Accents.” “Iranic Kurds.” All […]

Defending Against, and Counter-Attacking, the Antisemitic Mind-Hack

Words are tools of war; specifically, cognitive war. And these tools effectiveness in gradually changing perceptions about Jews over the long term, and thereby ramping-up Jew-hate slowly and inexorably, rests on their systematic deployment. Antisemites use this approach precisely because it enables them to alter people’s decision-making abilities. Individually or collectively, the latest cognitive science […]

The Abuse of Holocaust Memory in India

The denial and minimization of the Holocaust and the abuse of its memory are some of the most prominent manifestations of antisemitism. Although a predominantly non-Muslim country, India is home to the third-largest Muslim population in the world. With 14 per cent of the population being Muslims in India, the second-most populous country, they make […]